Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What? What a Woman Auto Know?

 Now that EVERYONE has a smart phone, as it is assumed, the world of apps has crept into every facet of life.  Ok for those without a smart phone, apps are applications that run mini programs.  Now women have no excuses for not knowing how to: 
  1. Change a Tire (must be for a flat tire)
  2. Jump Start your Car (hopefully with jumper cables)
  3. Open your hood  (is that a typo for hoodie)
  4. Change your air filter  (does it come in vanilla scent)
  5. Check your oil level (dip stick anyone?)
  6. Add oil (EVOO?)
  7. Change a fuse (cars have fuses?)
Here's some advice.  If you need an app to tell you how to "Open your hood" then its probably unsafe to have a driver's license and deadly if you have a smart phone!  

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